Receive Ministry

“SOZO” is a Greek word that has been used 110 times in the New Test to describe the result of the finished work of the cross.

As salvation: In Rom 10:9 “If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved/SOZOed.”

As healed: Matt 9:22 “But Jese, turning and seeing her, said: “Daughter, take courage, your faith has made you well/SOZOed, and at once the woman was made well.

As delivered: Luke 8:36 “And those that has seen it reported to them how the man that was demon possed had been made well/SOZOed.”

Art Sozo enables you to connect your emotions to the heart of God and allow His healing to take place. The activity of painting helps to bypass roadblocks and allow God’s truth to shine through on canvas and speak deeply into hearts. No artist experience is necessary to be able to enjoy.

Sozo leaders that are trained to host Art Sozo sessions also fall under me, so I do not know where to put my info so that I can direct those wanting the art sozo to teams.

Financial Sozo is a coaching session where a certified facilitator guides you, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, to identify the faulty beliefs holding you back in your financial journey, bring healing to these areas and find the truth you need to bring about everlasting change in your life.

Financial Sozo facilitators are called to serve, they undergo extensive training and mentoring. Facilitators fall under the leadership and covering of Stephen K. de Silva Ministries.

Shabar is a ministry to individuals who have continued to have inner healing ministry and yet cannot hold on to their healing. This ministry is not a first-grab tool but a tool to use toward the end of the inner healing process. The Shabar Ministry was launched in 2002 by developing a Shabar team to ministry to minister to individuals requesting the ministry.

The goal of Shabar Ministry is to bring knowledge, hope, and wholeness to a “shattered” individual. There are 3 different approaches:

  • Using Shabar techniques with individuals who need aid in other areas.
  • Using Shabar techniques with individuals who are unaware they are shattered.
  • Using Shabar techniques with individuals who know they are shattered.

Your Personal SOZO

The SOZO Ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Thus with a healed connection with Father, Son and Holy Spirit you can walk in the destiny to which you have been called. The SOZO Session is not a counselling session.

We allow three hours for your SOZO Session, though often we’ll finish in a shorter time than that. It will be a Spirit-led interaction between you and one or two SOZO team members, each of whom has been through Sozo training and has been individually released to be part of the ministry.

SOZO is not counselling. In your SOZO Session, lies and wounds will be revealed in a safe environment and replaced by God with truth and healing. It is a time between you and God, to allow God to touch your heart in a way that you may have never experienced before.
Because of the way we work in focusing on God and undoing the root of strongholds we have little to no focus on the demonic (though we’re dealing with it all the time), and do not tend to have manifestations. For the same reasons the freedom gained in a SOZO session tends to stick. What God says to you will be written down so you can go out with that.

6 Tools That The SOZO Team Uses:

  1. Father Ladder
  2. Four Doors
  3. Presenting Jesus
  4. The Wall
  5. Trigger Mechanisms (Advanced Tool)
  6. Divine Editing (Advanced Tool)

It is normal for people to come into a SOZO Session slightly nervous, not seeing or hearing God. It is normal for people to leave a SOZO session wondering why they were anxious, and seeing and hearing God clearly!

If you have any questions regarding your personal SOZO, please use the contact form to get in touch.

Appointments for personal ministry can be arranged with the Sozo team leaders in the location closest to you.

Please visit our Book a SOZO page and find the SOZO ministry closest to you. You may contact the SOZO ministry directly to set up an appointment. If your location is not listed on the Bethel SOZO network page, please contact Carina Boshoff for a referral or to be directed to another SOZO team leader to assist you.

When your appointment is scheduled, you will be requested to complete a Sozo application and -Indemnity form. There is a suggested donation per session which can be sent in with the return of the Sozo application and -Release form, or the donation can be received the day of the scheduled appointment.

Personal Shabar

Shabar is a ministry to individuals who have continued to have inner healing ministry and yet cannot hold on to their healing. This ministry is not a first-grab tool but a tool to use toward the end of the inner healing process.

Shabar is a Hebrew word meaning “broken-hearted” from Isaiah 61:1 and can also be translated as “shattered.”

Appointments for personal ministry can be arranged with the Sozo leaders in the location closest to you. Please communicate to them if you need a Shabar session. They will refer you to a person that has been trained to minister using the Shabar tools.

Please visit our Book a SOZO page and find the SOZO ministry closest to you. You may contact the SOZO ministry directly to set up an appointment. If your location is not listed on the Bethel SOZO network page, please contact Carina Boshoff for a referral or to be directed to another SOZO team leader to assist you.

When your appointment is scheduled, you will be requested to complete a Sozo application and -Indemnity form

There is a suggested donation per session which can be sent in with the Sozo Application and -Release form or the donation can be received on the day of the scheduled appointment.

Your SOZO Session

A Bethel SOZO Session can take between two and three hours. It will be led by two people who have been released to be in a SOZO team. One person will lead the session, while the other person will intercede. It will be a Spirit-led interaction between you and the team leader. It is not counselling.

In the session, you will experience God in a new way, and He will gently reveal to you wounds and lies and perceptions that have become barriers and even strongholds which have kept you away from victory, joy and an intimate relationship with God.

In a session, we deal with the schemes of the demonic but do not focus on him. The focus is on Jesus and as we exchange lies with His truths, and healing is happening, the demonic loses ground and is forced to leave. For the same reasons the freedom gained in a SOZO Session tends to stick.

What God says to you will be written down so you can go out with that.

It is normal for people to come into a SOZO Session slightly nervous, not seeing or hearing God. It is normal for people to leave a SOZO Session wondering why they were anxious, and seeing and hearing God clearly!

To schedule, click on Book A SOZO.