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South Africa

Rene Enslin

Rene Enslin

I have been happily married to Adriaan for 42 years. We have 2 married sons and are grandparents to 7 grandchildren. We have been involved with Sozo for more than 10 years. I am presently leading the Sozo team at Oasis church in Pretoria.

I am passionate about the Sozo ministry because I have witnessed how  people walk out of their session healed and free from blame, guilt and the hurts from their past.

The Sozo ministry connect people to the heart of the Father, and through that they experience that He brings restoration and fulfilment of His purpose in their lives.

Joyce Ray

Coming from a dysfunctional family where my dad was an alcoholic, I left home at 14 yrs of age and stayed with friends to finish High school. Working since the age of 16 I was very fortunate to have jobs that would truly be my training ground for God’s future plans in ministry. I was saved at 31 and God wasted no time catching me up to His plan of Church planter/ women’s ministry Director/Bible study teacher/ counselor to missionary at 50!  Along the way I had the opportunity to be under Randy Clark’s teachings and ministry where God did amazing healing in my life and I was able to attend a deliverance conference with Pablo Bottari which changed my life forever, little did I know that 25 years later I would be involved in Sozo.

My involvement with Sozo started when I was looking for lyrics to a song on Bethel’s website and at the bottom I saw Sozo ministry. After reading the intro I was so excited that finally I had found a type of counseling that went right to the root of issues, so before buying the DVDs I contacted my Pastor in South Africa. The Holy Spirit had gone before me because He had been given the DVDs by his overseeing Pastor and my Pastor had already done a Sozo and was just waiting for me to get back to SA to start the ministry. And the rest is God’s divine plan.

My passion is seeing people, especially young adults reach their full potential in Christ, recognizing that He wants them whole and healed and I truly believe Sozo is a major ministry in getting them there.

I followed God’s call to South Africa in 2003 and since 2008 I have been working with the Plett Community Church. I am in charge of Sozo ministries and counseling, a Bible study teacher and a speaker while directing Hope Pregnancy Centre.

Stienie Smith

I grew up in Bloemfontein, where I also studied, and then moved to Bethlehem, Free State in 1987 to start work in my field of study. I also met my husband, Johan, in Bethlehem and we have 3 sons. The Lord called us as full-time leaders of Bethlehem Christian Centre (BCC) in 2008. In April of 2009, Paul Manwaring visited South Africa to speak at a King’s Feast over Easter where he strongly advocated Sozo and also sold Sozo DVD’s. After watching the resource, I knew that this is such an honouring way of leading people to connect to Father, Son & Holy Spirit and more importantly, that it only takes any Sozo minister to facilitate what God is doing & saying. In September of 2009, we visited Bethel Church for a Leader’s Advance, where we all went for Sozo sessions as well. Then it was a done deal – we had to have Sozo in our church!

Me and one of the ladies who also attended the Leader’s Advance started looking at the DVD’s and practicing on each other and then we all went to the first live training held in Johannesburg together with 11 other people from our church. We have not looked back and are continually amazed at what God answers people and how easily lies are replaced by His truth. I’m also thrilled that so many other Sozo recourses has been developed and are still being developed.

I am passionate about people being their best selves and to pastor them to healing. I also love baking and cooking interesting foods.

Rene Enslin

Rene Enslin

I have been happily married to Adriaan for 42 years. We have 2 married sons and are grandparents to 7 grandchildren. We have been involved with Sozo for more than 10 years. I am presently leading the Sozo team at Oasis church in Pretoria.

I am passionate about the Sozo ministry because I have witnessed how  people walk out of their session healed and free from blame, guilt and the hurts from their past.

The Sozo ministry connect people to the heart of the Father, and through that they experience that He brings restoration and fulfilment of His purpose in their lives.

Charmaine Gilson

I am a wife, and mom to three amazing kiddos, 2 adults and one still at school! I absolutely love SOZO and serve as the KZN area facilitator. I’m a leader in our local church in Kokstand, KZN and we live on a farm in the beautiful mountains of East Griqualand!

I live to see the Goodness of God released and the Father Heart of God revealed! Beauty for ashes and a double portion for his children!

Dalene Van Niekerk

Dalene is the sub facilitator for Bethel Sozo in Limpopo Province.

She and her husband, who passed away due to Covid, were senior pastors of Agape church in Louis Trichard where she is still ministering.

She loves the Sozo ministry and has seen miraculous healing and restoration through the use of the Sozo tools. She also  testifies to the deep healing power these tools have had in her personal life.

Nikki Bouwer

I have been called to a ministry of healing, deliverance and encouragement for the bride of Christ in my early thirties according to Isaiah 61:1&2. That was 16 years ago. I am passionate about the Sozo healing process and the way it is used by the Holy Spirit to deliver believers from lies that has been binding them. I have 2 married daughters and 5 grandchildren and I live in Witbank/Emalahleni.

Linus Senekal

Christian Life Church

I am Pastor Linus Senekal, and my husband, David, and I are senior pastors of Christian Life Church in Lichtenburg, in the Northwest province in South Africa.

I have been involved in counselling, emotional healing and the prophetic for the past 44 years. I have been the sub facilitator for Bethel Sozo network in this region and oversee other teams in this region. I became involved in the Bethel Sozo ministry in 2013, because my passion is to see the broken hearted healed and restored.

The Sozo ministry is a very important and valued ministry in our church and touching the lives of not only our own congregation, but many others in our area; bringing freedom and deliverance and an intimate relationship with Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Our heart is that every person, big and small may experience this life changing ministry.

Magda le Roux for Sozo inquiries for financial Sozo inquiries

I am the Bethel Sub-facilitator for Sozo in Western Cape, South Africa and living in Cape Town. I am also the contact for Financial Sozo in South Africa. Magda equips people to walk in freedom both spiritually and financially.

My greatest desire forever is to see the broken-hearted healed and walk in abundance that Jesus paid for.  I have served in many inner healing ministries in this pursuit.

During a Healing and Deliverance outreach, with Randy Clarke, in Brazil in 2012, a team member introduced me to the Sozo ministry.  I attended the Basic Sozo training in February 2013 and since have been involved in the ministry.  And I am still amazed with the healing that it brings when people are connected to the Godhead and the freedom that it brings when they exchange the lies they believe with the truth revealed to them.

I am an entrepreneur who started my own business to get out of the rat race while being a Business Analyst in Financial systems.  In 2020,  I combined my Sozo and Business experience became a Certified Financial Facilitator.  By partnering with the Holy Spirit people are equipped to hear from God, being healed from ungodly roots and identifying false belief systems related to money and identity.

My passion is to see people connect with Father God to walk in greater identity and freedom, spiritually and financially.


Carina Boshoff

I live in Knysna and am the Regional Facilitator of South Africa and also Africa. I was first introduced to Sozo at Bethel Church in 2009/2010, when my husband, Deon, and I attended the School of Supernatural Ministry. I experienced a personal breakthrough through Sozo and realized what a powerful tool this ministry could be to set people free and to enable them to walk in their destiny.

On my return to South Africa, a friend and myself started a Sozo ministry in The Island Church in Knysna, Western Cape. The word went out that Bethel Sozo had landed in the country and I received more and more inquiries from interested individuals. When I visited Bethel for an internship in April 2011, I met with Teresa Liebscher and Dawna De Silva, and was offered to become the contact for Bethel Sozo in South Africa. Since then, the Sozo network has grown tremendously and there are now teams in all the provinces and some nations in Africa.

I have sub facilitators to help me manage and teach the regions, and they are all very passionate about the ministry and the potential it has to bring freedom into Africa. Africa is in deep need for freedom and the African people love the simplicity and grace that accompanies the Sozo ministry.

I am well supported by my husband and we enjoy teaching together. I have the time, means, organizational experience, and support of the Sozo Board.

We adore our family of children and grandchildren.

Ekpombang Bessie Nchenge

I am very passionate about inner healing and wholeness, and its my greatest desire to see people living their best lives. Bethel Sozo is that tool I came across that brings freedom and most importantly reconnects us the heart of the Father. I was introduced to Bethel Sozo in 2009 by a missionary Dr Sherri Lewis who came over to Cameroon to start a Supernatural School of ministry. I experienced freedom and breakthrough when I had my personal session and I decided to be trained so that I can help others.

I got connected to the Regional Director for Bethel Sozo AFrica Carina Boshoff in 2014 at a basic Sozo conference in Nigeria, from there I was eventually released to become the Sub- Facilitator for Cameroon.

I am delighted to be a part of the team in Africa that partners with the Lord to release freedom and reconnect them to Abba arms.

Rev. Fezile Mauncho & Rev Nkrumah Mauncho

Fezile and Nkrumah Mauncho have a deep desire to see Africa strong and free to pursue her God-given destiny. To that end, they are involved in various community initiatives that serve that vision as pastors and educators. In their interactions with the beautiful people of their nation, they encountered a lot of brokenness and woundedness. This was costly to the individuals and the community. Sozo was the tool they found to help the community they serve, to find the freedom and healing needed to help their people and serve their nation. They have a small but dynamic team that has seen many in the nation come to freedom and find their place in the Father.

Mina Bojamo

My name is Dr. (Mrs.) Mina Bajomo. I live in Lagos, Nigeria, but spend time in London, UK where I am in Leadership at Lighthouse Church, London. In Nigeria I attend Our Saviours Church, Lagos.

In 2012, a friend (Trish Riley) and I attended a couple of Bethel SOZO Trainings held by Dawna Da Silva and Theresa Liebscher in London. We started the ministry at the church in London under the Leadership of Christine and Ruth, the leaders in the UK. In 2013, the Lord led me to partner with Sola Momoh to pray into the mandate to take Bethel SOZO to Nigeria. I got in touch with Carina Boshoff the Regional Facilitator for Africa and she came to do the first two trainings in Nigeria in 2015 and 2017. The ministry was registered as Bethel Sozo Network Nigeria as Bethel Sozo Nigeria was taken for something else unrelated.

The freedom and intimacy with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit that SOZO brings is really appreciated in Nigeria. The Lord is opening up opportunities in Churches, especially in the Northern part of Nigeria, and presently, some are training to become SOZO ministers. We already have a great team of SOZO ministries who serve graciously. With permission from the Regional Facilitator, the team, alongside Bessie, who is in charge of Sozo Cameroon, we are helping Togo set up their Bethel SOZO team.

I am well supported by my husband Femi. Together we have attended Bethel Sozo conference in Redding, California and also had our personal Sozo.

We carry out both live and online personal Sozos.

Gisela Nel

Lusaka Family Church

My name is Gisela Nel, I am co-pastor at Lusaka Family Church in Lusaka, Zambia. I am the contact person for the Sozo Ministry in Zambia  We are seeing many lives changed by the miraculous, wonder working, bondage-breaking power of God. What a life-changing tool!

Debra Mathieson